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"An Opportunity to the Deserving."

KA-MUN, a trailblazing student-owned confrence that advocates for vigilance and creativity.

Learn from the best.

KAMUN is a highly competitive Kuwaiti conference and brings forth the best of the best from people of various schools and nationalities. You will get to meet a wide range of cultures and ideologies.

Engage in world-defining political discussion.

Various commissions are offered for signing up relating to different regions and aspects of political rule. Be a part of an everchanging world.

Meet the founder.

The Founder and Secretary General of the first annual Kuwait Annual Model United Nations is an Innovator that makes it his mission to advocate for the deserving whilst promoting professionalism and vigilance.

“I am so proud of how far we have come and am so excited for everyone to see what we have in store this February!”

Engage in the nation's ongoing issues. The Majlis Al-Umma committee is a distinct addition to MUN. Engage in a realistic simulation of the Kuwaiti National Assembly.

The land of the free. The U.S. congress committee is a KAMUN exclusive commission for those who are interested in discussing the politics of the USA.

The Illuminati Crisis Evasion Committee is the most unique addition in all of MUN yet. Do you like conspiracy theories? Because this is the commission for you.

What is KAMUN?

Once upon a time, the Kuwaiti MUN scene was riddled with boring repetitive school conferences, with a particularly uninspired and lazy theme. However, there was once a man with a vision to create something better, to give an opportunity to those in MUN who deserve it. The Kuwait Annual Model United Nations was born on that day by the founder Essa Al-Essa, fostering a team of the highest quality members and created the most ambitious conference in Kuwait MUN's history. The first KAMUN conference will begin on February 1st, 2024.


KAMUN will be held in the Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST)
Gulf University for Science & Technology
Block 5, Building 1
Mubarak Al-Abdullah Area/West Mishref